Campbell County Weed & Pest
Control District
What's Happing Now
UW Extension will hold their private applicator training on March, 6 2025 from 10:00-2:00 at the George Amos Memorial building. Call 682-7281 to RSVP.
Prairie Dog bait is available. You can use Rozol from October 1st to March 15th, and you can use Zinc Phosphide oats until February. Stop in or give us a call if you have any questions on out Prairie dog programs. ​
Campbell County Weed and Pest Control District is a local governmental agency that is responsible for implementing an effective program for the control of State designated noxious weeds and pests in accordance with the Weed and Pest Act of 1973.

Contact Us
District Information
Board Meetings held at District office1st Thursday after 1st Monday of each month. Nov - April 2pm, May - Oct 7pm
Board Members:
Larry Smith, Chairman
Chuck Tweedy, Vice Chairman
James Tarver, Treasurer
John Cosner, Secretary
BJ Clark, Member
District Staff:
Quade Schmelzle, Supervisor
Travis Kern, Assistant Supervisor
Blair Gauthier, Assistant Supervisor
Chris Cheairs, Office Manager
Office Location
Open Monday- Friday 8am-Noon 1pm- 5pm
11 Northern Drive
Gillette, WY 82716
Phone: (307) 682-4369
Fax: (307) 686-8167
Mailing Address
PO BOX 191
Gillette, WY 82717